Anywhen by Beth Duke
Thank you, @zooloosBT for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. I like the front cover of Anywhen It's very pretty and eye catching. I liked how there is two timelines in the book which are set in 2101 and 1969 . The story about Baezy and her grandmother Kelly, and it was interesting reading how different there lives were in different eras : like how artificial intelligence is more popular in 2101 were it was none existing in the 1969. Fascinating to read especially how AI is starting to be around more in our lives. I found Anywhen to be beautifully written and flowed very well all the way through the book. This is great story that is heart-warming and I liked the characters a lot and seemed to click with them straight away. Anywhen is entertaining and a delightful read that open me up to subjects I didn't know much about. Brilliant 5 stars Beth’s Bio Beth Duke is an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author and the recipient of numerous honors for her fiction on tw