Jumping Hurdles by Sarah Surgey

Thank you @hyggebooktours for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. Jumping Hurdles is a children's book for children between 5- 9 years old, The story is about Bea who has been diagnosed with dyspraxia. What a beautiful book that is about friendship, dyspraxia and understanding your self. I could relate to Bea a lot and how she was worried about sports day and being picked last. I have dyspraxia and I used to get picked last and could not catch the ball and trip over my own feet. Furthermore, I totally understand how Bea felt, and hopefully this book will help other children who have dyspraxia or children who do not have it may understand it bit better. This is a cute book with lovely illustrations and important plot: that it is not always important to win its about taking part and being there for your friends. This would be great book to go to schools to educate children and there understanding on this topic. A well written book which is easy to get into and Bea is a likeable girl that you can connect with straight away. I loved her straight the way and strength to carry on even though she was not winning she still wanted to get past the finish line. A lovely read that children can relate to and enjoy. 5 stars Author’s Website: sarahsurgey.com Bea loves being outside and keeping busy with her friends. Sports Day is coming, and usually, she is very excited, but she has just been diagnosed with Dyspraxia. Will this change everything? Can she still compete? Will having Dyspraxia stop her from doing her best? Follow Bea as she learns to deal with her new diagnosis and finds her own way to tackle Sports Day! Blurb: Bea is a determined and resourceful 7-year-old girl. She has just been diagnosed with Dyspraxia, which she still doesn't quite understand yet. What she does know is that sometimes things feel a little harder for her to do, unlike her friends. Bea's been told she's a "little clumsy", so sports day might be more challenging than she first thought. But through her determination and willpower, Bea realises that Dyspraxia hasn't replaced her other strengths. She can still reach the end of the race; she needs to use her other qualities. Jumping Hurdles is an uplifting picture book that highlights one girl's reality of having a diagnosis. A beautiful SEL book that promotes positivity for children with Dyspraxia whilst teaching empathy and understanding for those who don't. This book is one of a kind, as it is the only book on the market in the UK that has a main character with Dyspraxia. The book follows Bea as she tackles her first sports day after finding out she has Dyspraxia. This is a much-needed book in the UK, as around 10% of people have a diagnosis, and they are severely underrepresented in the book community. About that the author: Sarah Surgey is a children's author whose books help children to reflect and grow. Sarah comes from a teaching background, and it was here that she realised just how valuable books are to children's emotional and social well-being. Sarah works with children's publishers in the UK, across Europe and beyond. By the end of 2024, she will have 7 picture books published across the globe. A mum to 4 daughters, four cats and one dog, she can be found forever with a notebook and pencil in her hand because who has the time actually to sit at a desk and write? Book Title: Jumping Hurdles Number of Pages: 36 Book Links/Buy Links (Amazon, Goodreads etc.): Jumping Hurdles: Amazon.co.uk: Surgey, Sarah, Gunathilake, Natasha: 9781068642739: Books (Amazon) https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16439046.Sarah_Surgey - Goodreads


  1. Hygge Book Tours15 July 2024 at 10:49

    Thank you so much for taking part!


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