Lagos, Life and Sexual Distraction by Tunde Ososanya

Thank you @AlanJepson4 and @TundeOsosanya for letting me review this book. Lagos, life and Sexual Distraction is a collection of 12 stories in Nigeria. I love the front cover and how set like envelopeope. I loved the descriptions in each story and i could imagine them in my head. My favourite stories where:Twenty-five Letters, ending in tears was my absolute favourite, Wellington Street, Tribute to Mary and Danfo. The stories are written well and thy have many emotions running through each story. I felt like I was going on a journey with each character in the stories. There were so many challenges the characters had to face, love loss, poverty and many more. I will g more from Tunde Ososanyan in the future. This is a different genre then I would normally read but I loved it 5 stars. Out now to buy.


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