A chance in a million byT.A.Williams

Thank you @rararesources and @trevorwilliams for letting me review this book and being part of this tour. The font cover is beautiful and made me want to go there, its bright and colourful which draws you to buy the book. The story is set in Venice and the descriptions of the book where amazing and you can really visualise Venice in your head. i found the characters developed through the book. Chance in a million is easy read and you connect with the characters straight the way . The story about Jane and David and they both have bern through there own ups and down can they heal and be togther. Author Bio – I’m a man. And a pretty old man as well. I did languages at university a long time ago and then lived and worked in France and Switzerland before going to Italy for seven years as a teacher of English. My Italian wife and I then came back to the UK with our little daughter (now long- since grown up) where I ran a big English language school for many years. We now live in a sleepy little village in Devonshire. I’ve been writing almost all my life but it was only seven years ago that I finally managed to find a publisher who liked my work enough to offer me my first contract. The fact that I am now writing escapist romance is something I still find hard to explain. My early books were thrillers and historical novels. Maybe it’s because there are so many horrible things happening in the world today that I feel I need to do my best to provide something to cheer my readers up. My books provide escapism to some gorgeous locations, even if travel to them is currently difficult.


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