Hidden in the mists by Christina Courteney

 Hidden in the mists front cover makes me feel calm when I look at and I love the colours and they way the front cover is presented. This is the first time ever I have read a book by Christina Courtenay. The story is set in dual timelines and I found that I didn’t get confused by this and I really  like her style of writing and the dual lines are set in Scotland present and 19th century Scotland. The descriptions of the scenarios where amazing and I could really visualise them. The characters where very likeable. Hidden in the mist is historical Romance and this is part of Viking series but you can read this without reading the other books.

Skye is running farm in Scotland on her own due to her marriage breaking up and is struggling to do this by her self until someone walks into her life who may be able to help her. 

Here is the author bio : Christina Courtenay writes historical romance, time slip and time travel stories, and lives in 

Herefordshire (near the Welsh border) in the UK. Although born in England, she has a Swedish 

mother and was brought up in Sweden – hence her abiding interest in the Vikings. Christina is a former chairman of the UK’s Romantic Novelists’ Association and has won several awards.

You can buy hidden in the mist from Amazon if you love romance and vikings you will love this book 5 stars. Thank you @rararesources and @PiaCCourtenay for letting me be part of this review.


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