
Showing posts from February, 2025

Raven’s Cry by Christian A Brown

Thank you @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview #ReadAlong for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. I am sad to see the read along finished, but I did enjoy being part of this. Raven’s cry is book 1 in the series. I like the front cover has a dark magical aura to it. This is a fantasy genre that young adults and adults will enjoy. I like the descriptions that are in the story and I can imagine it all as if I were there. The story has a great plot and is written beautifully. The story is engaging, and the characters are enchanting, and I enjoyed getting to know them. I enjoyed seeing the characters developing through the book. Raven’s Cry is a thrilling read. Can’t wait for book 2. If you like fantasy genres than this book is definitely for you. 4 stars Blurb A bouncer, a librarian, a dropout, a vagabond, and an exiled prince stand between civilization and the eldritch Lords set to devour Earth. The odds aren’t great ...

How to Slay on Holiday by Sarah Bonner

Thank you @rararesources for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. How to slay on Holiday is a psychology/ thriller genre. I like the front cover and the tittle . It works together really well. The story about Chloe who has planned to murder her husband Scott. The story set on the Greek island and is written very elegantly. I found How to slay on Holiday easy to get into and found it a very entertaining read. It was nice to read something different that kept me hooked until the end. There is a great amount tension flowing through the book and dark and twisty in places, which is good. I liked the short chapters in the book. This is the first book I have read by Sarah Bonner and I did enjoy her writing styles and I will be looking for her other books to read. I liked the twist in the book and I didn't expect that. Which is always good. 4 stars entertaining read. How to Slay on Holiday You’d kill for a holiday like this one… Chloe and her husband Scott are hol...

An Orchid in My Belly Button

Thank you @zooloosBT for letting me be on this tour and reviewing this book. An Orchid in my Belly Button are short stories that are 178 pages long. I enjoyed the short stories, they were all different from each other. I like the front cover, it is pretty and I think the title suits the whole book very well. The stories are all written beautifully. They are all wonderful stories, and they are easy to get into. Each short story Will in entertain you, and they will stay with you for a long time. Great read 4 stars. Bio Katy Wimhurst has had three books of short fiction published — An Orchid in My Belly Button (Elsewhen 2025), Snapshots of the Apocalypse, (Fly on the Wall Press, 2022) and Let Them Float (Alien Buddha Press, 2023). Her book of visual poems, Fifty-One Trillion Bits, was published by Trickhouse Press in 2023. She writes dark, witty fiction, creating off-kilter worlds that reflect our own. ‘Magical realism meets dystopia, with a refreshing twist’. Her fiction has been publ...

Artificial Artifacts by John Fennec

Thank you @johnfennec @wearewhitefox @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview #ReadAlong for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. Artificial Artifacts is a science fiction genre and this is a different genre to what I normally read. It is nice to read different genres that are out of my comfort zone. Artificial Artifacts are short stories, and they are all different from each other. I liked how all the characters are different from each other, but they do link with each other in some stories. Which I thought this was good how the author did this, very clever. This is a book that left me with a lot to think about due to the topics that were talked about in the stories that could impact us if it happened in our world. A very elegant read. If you like science fiction books, this is for you. Entertaining and thought-provoking read 4 stars. I enjoyed being part of the readalong thank you. Blurb A visionary debut collectio...

How To Get On With Anyone by Catherine Stothart

Thank you @CatherineStoth1 and @literallypr for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. How to get on with anyone is a self-help book. This is a book that you can delve in and out of. This is about a practical guide to the knowledge and principles of skills you may need to help you interact and build confidence with people. I found this to be a fascinating and intriguing read. I liked how there are exercises you can do through the book. The book is written very elegantly and I feel numerous people will like this book and will get something from reading this that they can use in their life’s . 4 stars. Author bio You can discover how to build positive relationships with others, whatever their personality type and communication style, from Catherine's first book, How to Get On with Anyone. It has sold over 12,000 copies in the UK and is translated into Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian. It's now available in a second edition with new chapters...

Blood Spots By Lin Le Versha

Thank you @hobeckBooks for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. Blood Spots is book 5 of the series, and you can read this as a standalone book, as I did. I will go back to read the rest of the books in the future. Blood Spots is a mystery/ thriller genre. The story is set in 1989 and than 2019 and is set in Suffolk. I found Blood Spots to be a gripping read, and I enjoyed the story immensely. I like the descriptions in the book and I could visualize all the scenes in my head. Furthermore, I liked the characters and enjoyed following their story’s in this crime mystery. An entertaining read that will keep you on tenterhooks all the way through the books. 4 stars. Bio Crime writer thanks to MA Creative Writing at UEA and Hobeck Books, Lin has drawn on her experience in London and Surrey schools and colleges as the inspiration for her debut novel. 'Blood Notes' is set in Suffolk, where she now lives and is Director of the Southwold Arts Festival. Her sec...

The Quiet Wife by Diane Saxon

Thank you@rararesources for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. The Quiet Wife is a psychological genre. The story goes from the past and present about Soriah. It goes back to when she was at college and Craig was obsessed with her and then goes to the present day when Soriah is now married, and strange things start to happen to her. I was hooked straight the way, and I loved the twist. I did guess what was going to happen. There was a significant amount of suspense and tense running through the book. I did like Soriah and I did feel sorry for her when her past came back to haunt her and give her a big hug. The story written extremely well and loved the plot. Fantastic read strongly recommended 5 stars. The Quiet Wife I want to be ordinary. To fade into the shadows where no one notices me and live a quiet life. A normal life. But I am not ordinary. Not anymore. I’ve been keeping a secret. From my colleagues, my friends and most importantly, my husband - who k...

The ND Lovers Club: How Neurodivergent Women Lust, Like, and Love by Sara-Louise Ackrill and Bontle Senne

Thank you @hyggebooktours for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. The ND Lover's Club: How Neurodiverse Women Lust, Like, and Love is a non-fiction genre. This is like a self-help book on relationships for neurodiverse women. I found this book an empowering and inspiring read. This is a thought-provoking read and will open your eyes on advice other neurodiverse women’s perspective give on relationships. It was nice to read a different perspective and my daughter is neurodiverse and this is a book I will pass to her because I think it will be very intriguing for her to read. This is a book you can dip in and out of. I love how honest the authors are in this book, and they seem so helpful and want to help others. 5 stars Author Bios: Sara-Louise Ackrill is a neurodivergent therapist, entrepreneur, and workplace consultant. Founding CEO of Wired Differently and co-founder of Start Differently, a non-profit, Sara-Louise supports neurodivergent individuals pers...

Love & Pollination by Mari Jane Law

Thank you, @rararesources, for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. Love and Pollination is romance genre. I read book 2 before I read this book, which is book 1. You don’t need to read both. I loved the second one and was so happy I was asked to read Love & Pollination. It is a fantastic read and I love the characters, especially Perdita neighbors. The story about Perdita who has a couple of Dilemmas and then meets Saul, which adds to more complications in her life. This is an easy read that you will not be able to put down. It's brilliant, and I did have some moments of giggling, which is great to have that while you are reading. This is a feel good read that will make you smile until the end. The characters are wonderful, and I felt like I had known them forever. If you're looking for a light — heart and romantic book, this is definitely for you. I strongly recommend 5 stars. Blurb Perdita Riley is facing the greatest dilemma of her life. Why ha...

From Glasgow Without Love by Albrin Junior

Thank you @zooloosBT For letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. From Glasgow without love has a jazzy front cover which you will be drawn too instantly. This book is a collection of ten stories that are set in Glasgow and Nigerian. The topics running through the book are immigration, identity, love and each character in each story is unique and diverse. These stories will pull at your heart and make you smile. I did have some favorite stories, which were one gay night, drown and the devil has a soul. I found while reading the stories the words were powerful and unique. A Very thought-provoking read and will stay with me for a while. 4 stars. Blurb From Glasgow Without Love is an evocative collection of ten compelling stories that encapsulate the intricate tapestry of human experience, inspired by a cold shivering night the author slept at the Buchanan bus station, Glasgow. This work explores themes of love, immigration, and identity through the lens of diverse cha...

The Launch Date by Annabelle Slator

Thank you @zooloosBT for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book.The Launch Date is romance comedy genre. The story is about Grace, who gets offered a promotion to work on a dating app that she’s thrilled about, but she founds out she has to work with her rival, Eric, who she’s not keen on. I did like the characters Grace and Eric, and I felt liked I warmed to them straight a way. I did like Grace better because I thought I connecting with her better. It was nice to see both characters grow and develop through the story. I did enjoy reading the launch date and did make me giggle in places. The launch date is written elegantly and was refreshing to read something different that I know nothing about. The story is easy to get into and is an entertaining read 4 stars. Blurb Grace Hastings's dream job at the popular 'true love' dating app, Fate, has turned into a nightmare. Her boss is a leech, her career is stagnating, and her fiancĂ© has just brutally dump...

Nowhere Man by Deborah Stone!

Thank you @deborahstone_ @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview #ReadAlong #LBTThriller #LBTReadAlong for letting me be part of this readalong. I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the read along this month, loved the questions and thoroughly enjoyed reading nowhere man. It was a great and entertaining read. Nowhere Man is a psychological thriller that gripped me straight the way, and I read it rapidly to find out the ending. The story is well written with fantastic twists that worked extremely well through the book. The ending was good, but I felt like I wanted more in a certain area near the end. Don’t want to give away anything. There are two narratives, one is Diana, who’s married to Patrick. Diana founds him dead which she doesn't understand why this has happened, and her Mum is not well, and she’s trying to help her, but Megan has questions that need to be answered. Then there is Angie, whose husband Ray has suddenly disappear...

Frail Little Embers! By Fija Callaghan

Thank you @neentreepress for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. I liked the illustrations and think they work well throughout the book, and you see the illustrations before each short story. There were some stories I connected better with than others, but all 21 stories were easy and entertaining to read. Each story was different with different themes running through them, like fantasy, love, loss and folklore. The stories were enchanting, and the words were poetic and powerful, which is a lovely combination to have in a book. A great read and I feel plenty of people will enjoy reading all these stories that you don’t have to read in one go. 5 stars. Blurb Myth, folklore, and magic come together in 21 illustrated short stories of hope, transformation, and finding light within the dark. A young woman unearths a masquerade mask that reveals her innermost secrets. A grieving woman uses cocoa beans to open a door between worlds. A graduate student leaves her thesi...

Red Daisy by Gemma Owen-Kendall

Thank you @hyggebooktours and @GemOwenKendall for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. Red Daisy is a for young teenagers and is a fantasy genre. This is the first book of the series and I can’t wait for book 2. I read Red Daisy in one day because it is 140 pages, and it is an addictive read that I could not put down. The story about Grace who comes to live with her grandparents, and she goes to collage where she’s meets two boys who she is drawn to, there are Daniel and Ben, but they are not all they seem. I feel young adults and adults will love this fantasy book as much as I did. I love the magic and the drama that runs through the book it is excellent. The story will draw you in from the first page and is easy to get in to. I truly hope the next book comes out soon because I want to know what happens to Grace next. If you like shape-shifters and magic, this books for you. I strongly recommend. I am hooked 5 stars Author Bio: Gemma is an author from Gri...

Initiation of a Goddess: Reclaim the Magic and Power of Your Inner Goddess! Lisa Melbourne

Thank you @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter for letting me be part of this tour and reviewing this book. Initiation of a Goddess: Reclaim the Magic and Power of Your Inner Goddess! It is a non-fiction / spiritual book. I enjoyed reading this book and I liked how Lisa Melbourne wrote about the five pillars of goddess. Which was fascinating to read, and I have always been interesting in the spiritual side and I felt this book opened me up a lot more and made me more aware of my inner self. I liked how Lisa shares her personal experience and helps the reader to develop through tasks she asks you to do, which I thoroughly enjoyed doing. I feel the Initiation of a Goddess is a book you can keep dipping in and out of when you need to. Likewise, I found Lisa's writing warming and easy to get into. This book is beautifully written. I like the title, and it works well with the front cover. If you are into spiritualism, this book for you. Eye-opening read that will ...